Sheets2Table Help – Responsive table using FooTable

If you want your table to be responsive (work in mobile browsers) or to contain sortable and searchable fields, Sheets2Table will work with FooTable plugin using a shortcode configuration option.

Install FooTable

  1. Install FooTable from
  2. Verify FooTable is installed (Dashboard -> Settings -> FooTable) and the Attach to tables field reads .footable.
    Configure FooTable

Configure Shortcode

  1. Open up the Sheets2Table Shortcode tab (Dashboard -> Settings -> Sheets2Table -> Shortcodes)
  2. Locate the shortcode corresponding to the table you want to make responsive
  3. Click on the Customize filename.csv link for your filename
  4. Select the checkboxes for the columns you want to display
  5. Select the use-foo-table checkbox
  6. Click the Generate shortcode button
  7. Take notice of the updated shortcode. It should now include an option that reads: options="use-foo-table"
  8. Copy / paste the updated shortcode to your page or post
  9. View the page to see the table using FooTable.
    1. FooTable has different themes and table customizations available. This screenshot is using the Original FooTable Theme.

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